Tuesday 17 March 2015

Where did my village go? and Lisa's Veggie, Chickpea and Kidney bean Ratatouille

They say it takes a village to raise a child but what happens when the child grows up and becomes an adult? Does it imply the adult does not need love, nurturing, kindness, direction, respect, company and a big hug? It has been on my mind for a while now as it had occurred to me that there are many lonely people out there, especially elderly people. I even have experienced this for myself in the past five years due to great loss (a church family, a best friend, a lovely uncle) just to name a few things and believe me there are more. But I was curious as to why the care and love seems to stop or not be there when we "grow up" as much as when we are young, where does our village go?

I suppose we are meant to know how everything is meant to work when we are all grown up but sometimes that is not the case and we get it wrong even as adults. The funny thing in life is there are no rule books and you have to wing it at times and do your best and sometimes the results are not what we hoped for but that's life and that is learning and that is how we gain experience and supposedly grow "knowledgable." You know that old saying a baby has to crawl before they can walk and they will fall down lots trying to do so but they do get back up and I suppose that applies to us adults as well "we keep getting back up and trying."

There is a day once a year called "R U O.K Day" but I think it needs to be more than once a year that we ask our friends and family are they o.k. I make it a point every time I send an email or text I ask the person "how are you?" because sometimes that is all a person needs (someone to care).

So I guess the bottom line is no matter how old we are we still need love, nurturing, kindness, direction, respect, company and a big hug. I feel blessed there are still some wonderful people in my life who love and care for me beautifully and I hope I do that for them in return. Let's not forget our gorgeous four legged friends who love us unconditionally and seem to know when we need that extra special snuggle or lick.

Today, I will share with you a recipe I love and that has been a staple in our home for many years. This is one of my favourite vegetarian recipes and a great meal to freeze so you can have a healthy quick meal. We like to have a few meat free dinners a week and this is a healthy and satisfying meal that is sure to please everyone (even men and children hahaha). Now I make this without fresh garlic and onion as they can sometimes affect my stomach so I use garlic infused olive oil and chives but you can use a clove of garlic and some onion or a shallot (also known as enshallot) if you like.

Lisa's Veggie, Chickpea and Kidney bean Ratatouille 


1 large Eggplant washed, dried and cut in to  2 cm cubes (approx.)
2 Zucchini washed and dried and cut in half length ways and then sliced (half moons)
1 Green capsicum washed, dried, and cut in to 2 cm cubes/squares
1 Red capsicum washed, dried, and cut in to 2 cm cubes/squares
1 medium sweet potato peeled and cut in to 2 cm cubes
1 piece of pumpkin (250 gm) peeled and cut up in to 2 cm cubes
1 bunch of chives washed, dried and chopped
5 Tablespoons of garlic infused olive oil (approx.) you may need more due to the eggplant soaking it all up.
2 Teaspoons of chicken stock powder. you may need to add more later on but it's best to add a little at first and then add extra at the end as you can't take out the stock once it is added and it may be to salty.
1 Birdseye Chilli, washed dried and chopped finely
3 x 400 gram Tins of diced tomato's
1 x 400 gram Tin of chickpeas
1 x 400 gram Tin of kidney beans
5 fresh basil leaves  washed, dried and chopped
Fresh ground black pepper to taste


In a large frypan (I use a family/Banquet sized electric fry pan) put the garlic infused olive oil and when it is hot add the chilli and chives and saute for a minute or two.

Add all the chopped veggies and cook until slightly soft and there are some slightly caramelised bits on the veggies (this adds a wonderful flavour).

Add the tinned tomatoes, chicken stock powder, ground black pepper and basil leaves and cook for approx. 30 minutes or until sweet potato and pumpkin are soft. You should be able to put a skewer in and it should come out easily.

At this stage you should taste and see if it is salty enough and needs any more chicken stock powder. If so, add half a teaspoon at a time and keep adding until you are happy with the taste and saltiness. Remember to stir in-between adding the stock powder so it is distributed evenly.

Add chickpeas and kidney beans and cook for a further 10-15 minutes.

If you want it a little hotter (chilli heat) then you can add a few sprinkles of cayenne pepper and some dried chillies.

Serve with brown rice or if you are not gluten free it goes wonderfully well with couscous.

© Lisa Maree van der Draay 2015. Except as provided by the Copyright Act 1968, no part of this publication may be reproduced, communicated to the public without the prior written permission of the publisher.



  1. Amazing post and so very true.

  2. Yum we all need more veggies in our diet! Thanks for the recipe.

  3. We sure do Carolyn, you spurred me on to publish a savoury recipe so I hope you enjoy it
