Wednesday 4 March 2015

What's Your Life Worth?

This week I didn't think I would be able to write. The immense sadness I feel knowing that two men who have repented and rehabilitated will be shot by firing squad sickens me to the core. I am physically repulsed and have cried many tears this week for both of these men. I prayed very hard for Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran and so when the news was announced yesterday they were being transferred to the island of Nusakambangan, I felt physically ill and cried very hard for these two men. I felt the pain inside and can only imagine how their families and friends are feeling right now.

It has been a privilege to watch these men rehabilitate and grow and want to help people and to know they truly are sorry for their actions. Many people in life will do the wrong thing and many will not repent or say sorry but these men are truly sorry. I am not saying what they did should be excused, not at all, but I do not believe anyone has the right to take another person’s life. I believe if someone is truly sorry for what they have done and show they are sorry, they should be given another chance.

I have decided to not take life for granted and to be eternally grateful for the life I have been given everyday now. My husband and I went for a walk this morning before he went to work and it was lovely being outside and appreciating nature, creation and life; something these men may never have the chance to do again. This has really shaken me to the core and I will be grateful every day, even if the day is not so good I will be grateful for it.

You know, we all have gripes and grumbles about daily life and that is normal but if you put it all into perspective we are a pretty lucky bunch as I would say most if not all of us have a roof over our head and food in our bellies and we may be even lucky enough to have someone to love and have someone loving us back. It's funny but the old saying "The best things in life are free" is really true and we should never take it for granted. I won't minimise anyone’s sadness or pain or hard times as I know from personal experience they do happen but I am learning I have a choice how long I stay in that "bad place" and today I choose life and happiness.

So the next time you’re having a crappy day, can I just ask you to think of Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran as they would give anything to live, not travel to Europe or buy a house or own a flashy car, no they just want to live. So let's not take this precious life for granted and be thankful every day for the life we are given and hopefully by doing that we will put some good back into the world and it will be a pretty damn fine place to live.

I will end my post with this quote because I think it is pretty apt for what is happening right now.

John 8:7 New International Version (NIV)
When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.”


  1. Brilliant insightful post, couldn't agree more!

  2. Very true, we have so much to be grateful for.
    Rich X

    1. We sure do honey, we have so much to be grateful for xx

  3. There is a petition to sign on FB and at

  4. Thanks for letting me know Carolyn, I will definitely sign the petition :-)

  5. Interesting that the man who so self righteously accuses and condemns drug smugglers is himself a mass murderer

    1. It sickens me to the core, it is so wrong.
