Thursday 26 February 2015

Chocolate + Hormones = Happy Happy Happy

Well it has been nearly an entire month without sugar and I must admit I was feeling pretty good. My skin felt softer and I wasn't craving it as usual but then the dreaded hormones started kicking in and so to make a long story very short - I ATE CHOCOLATE (yes I did). Did I enjoy it? Yes I did, do I feel guilty? Not on your life, no way, no no no. It was dark and luscious and just sweet enough (probably too much) but it was oh so nice.

You know today was an extremely hard day for me as now I am getting older (cough cough cough ahem ahem ahem) well hormones are not cooperating as much as they used to and so it goes, it is a lot darker at certain times. So much so that I was not even able to write this morning and thought: wow I am only submitting one blog post this week, which kind of bummed me out as I love to write - but then this afternoon came along. I went to my slice container that contained my sugar free banana slice and it had gone mouldy due to the heat and the fact is there was no sugar in it to preserve it and I was hankering for something sweet and yes I caved.

I decided to make my chocolate slice but omitted the additional sugar and the batter tasted divine, yum yum yum. It is cooling as we speak (or as I write) and smells delicious. While melting the chocolate and butter I put some chocolate in my mouth (habit) and I am not joking almost instantly I began to feel better. Chocolate is bloody amazing I can tell you, it really is euphoric, a little sweet high and it has antioxidants to boot. It is incredible that it helps release hormones that help make you happy, so it is probably a very good thing for a woman to eat who has PMS (remember this guys..) hahahaha.

So I guess the moral of this story is moderation with everything even chocolate, except if your wife is hormonal and then you can ply her with delicious dark 70% chocolate and you are sure to have happy days and nights for at least seven days hahahahahahaha.

Recipe for my chocolate slice is in a prior post titled Sadness,Joy and delicious chocolate slice 


  1. Ha...great advice indeed X

  2. You know me too well my lovely husband hahahaha. I will be taking delivery of fine dark chocolate imminently hahahahaha xxx

  3. Anything that endorses Chocolate as good for us I will go for!

  4. Hear hear I couldn't agree more hahaha :-)
