Thursday 5 February 2015

Neglect, nurturing and Growth

A couple of days ago I went out on my balcony and discovered my lovely garden that I had put so much love in to was looking pretty unhealthy in-fact most of it was dead and that really saddened me. I have always loved to garden and grow things even if I didn't have a large yard I always had pot's on my balcony and would grow loads of different plants, flowers and herbs so it came as quite a shock to discover my garden was nearly gone. I wondered how I could have missed this, how did I not see the plants decaying before my eyes, how did I miss this? It is simple really and maybe one or two of you may identify with me but I find when I am unwell I tend to take care of the basics ( husband, cat, myself) and bits and pieces around the house but I am afraid the garden suffers. It is so funny that when I get sick and suffer so does the garden but when I am well and flourishing so does the garden.

Well just went out on my balcony ready with gloves, tools and seeds and started to dig the old  and dead plants out of the pots so I could plant my new seeds but guess what the pots are full of "curl grub" and they are everywhere so it looks like a lot more preparation is required.The amazing thing is with these curl grubs you just don't even know they are there as they burrow down in the soil and eat the plant root system completely and the plant has no chance. It is disappointing that I can not do my gardening today as there are way to many pot's and I will need a hand from my husband but it has taught me a valuable lesson that if I neglect myself I get sick and the same with my garden it will wither if I neglect it. I am grateful there are a few plants that look like they have survived so they will get some special treatment over the weekend and hopefully the new seeds that I plant will grow healthy and strong.

Anger, resentment, rage, grudges, irritation, outrage and any ill feelings are kind of like the curl grubs, we can't see them at first but boy do they do some damage and if we are not careful can even hospitalise us or worse even kill us.

I guess I will have to check on my garden everyday to see if all is O.K and the same with myself, I will need to check in with myself and make sure all is well. It looks like gardening will be on the "things to do list" this weekend and I will try to be more diligent with it from now on. The photo above and below are when my herb and flower garden was very healthy and well and it will be again soon.


  1. Beautifully worded, love. And, we'll get rid of those grubbos quick smart!


  2. Thanks honey it will be good to get the garden back to it's best xx
