Sunday 8 February 2015

Life is sweet ( yes it is) and sugar free banana slice

Today I decided to make a sugar free slice as I have begun to see a connection when I eat sugar and my sinus and allergies. Now I am not sure if it is connected but I have decided to go without sugar for a week to see if it makes any difference. It was the same when I decided to omit gluten from my diet and it really was incredible the change in how I felt. I am not talking about having more energy or feeling all virtuous I am talking about not feeling bloated or having pains in my stomach etc... There are many people sensitive to gluten and other foods and it really does make a difference when you find out what is making you so uncomfortable. It will be good to see how I go after a week of no sugar, chocolate etc... and if nothing else my skin will feel better and I may loose a kilo or two.

It is day two of going sugar free and it is actually really hard as I am really feeling the withdrawal right now. It is the refined sugar that is lurking everywhere like in jams and sauces and dark chocolate. Yes that has been so difficult for me as I allowed myself some dark chocolate everyday, I thought to myself it is dark chocolate so it's not that bad in-fact it is good for me. Well a good dark gluten free chocolate is not too bad but it had become a habit for me and I had to get real with myself. They say it's three weeks to make a habit and three weeks to break one so I will see how I go but one thing is for sure I don't like being hooked on anything especially sugar. I gave up smoking 4 years ago this May and am so glad as it was one of the best decisions of my life. I think moderation is the key but some people have trouble with moderation and don't know when to stop and I guess I can be a bit like that so it will be good to break that habit.Isn't it funny how many things in life we end up relying on or get "addicted" to that really aren't fulfilling.

It was lovely to catch up with a dear friend this morning and have a good chat and it was also good to see if the sugar free banana slice was a winner and it went down well. I think I will drink another glass of water and chew on my sugar free gum ( aghhhhhhhhh) only five days to go hahahaha but it will be worth it and who knows I may even enjoy it enough to keep off it.


  1. Great post...indeed, addictions are in the end never really fulfilling. A great point. And the banana cake looks divine!

  2. Good luck with giving up sugar and the slice looks great

  3. We try to use so little Sugar as possible, your cake recepy sounds delicious so I'll try it someday.
