Tuesday 3 February 2015

Sadness, Joy and delicious chocolate slice

Today I wanted to tell you about a book I am reading called Choose Joy because Happiness isn't Enough by Kay Warren and it is a brilliant read. It has really made me think what I have relied on to give me joy in the past and present and it really has made me look at myself and admit to placing an awful lot of expectations on things that just aren't eternal, they may be a quick fix and they may even give pleasure for a few days or even weeks but ultimately it's false joy. This has been a great eye opener for me to learn not to think of joy as the feeling happiness but to know it is long lasting deep contentment and can be found in any situation but mainly having faith in God as his love is eternal. Here is the link to the book if you would like to have a look at it here.

Which brings me to the sadness side of this post. Yesterday my Mum came over for lunch and to spend the day with me. It is usually a lovely day and we both look forward to the following week when she comes over again. It started out nice enough but then a few words were said and what made it worse was the fact I was correct in what I said but she wouldn't believe me no matter how many times I tried to explain it to her ( even writing it down on paper so she could see for her self). nothing would make her change her mind and it infuriated me and it bought up a lot of old feelings from childhood that I hadn't felt or experienced for a very long time and I did not like it at all. It wasn't the fact I had to be right as I don't care about that, it was the fact that I was telling the truth and she didn't believe me and that hurt (even as an adult). I will work things out with my Mum as I always do but I realise there is more work to be done with myself and healing where past feelings are concerned.

Now one of the things I have thought I would find joy in is food and predominantly chocolate and have for as long as I can remember. I still think it should have it's very own food group ( Dairy, Meat and Fish, Fruit and Vegetable, Breads and Grains, Fats and oils, and the delicious yummo group). But no matter how delicious and divine the chocolate the joy is short lived followed by " did I really eat half a block of Lindt 70% dark chocolate??? now I will not place expectations on food and chocolate and I will thoroughly enjoy every single bite and know it is just a delicious thing to eat. But chocolate will always be part of my life as it is delicious and in small amount's can be really good for you ( dark chocolate that is). So today I will share my delicious chocolate slice recipe which is easy peasy and a great stand by recipe to have on hand when unexpected guests arrive ( or will arrive very soon). I hope you enjoy this and it is all made in one bowl and mixed with a wooden spoon so there is hardly any washing up ( score).


225 grams dark chocolate chopped up ( A block or bag of dark melts works fine)
125 grams low salt butter chopped up
2 cups Almond meal ( you can also use Hazelnut meal for this recipe)
2 free range eggs


Pre heat oven to 180oC

Grease and line slice tin

In a large heat proof bowl ( I used stainless steel) put the chopped up chocolate and the chopped butter.
Place on top of a saucepan that has some water in the bottom and place on stove on a low to medium heat so chocolate and butter melt, mix well together.

Take off stove and place on a heat proof cork board.

Add almond meal and mix well with wooden spoon ( it's a good arm workout)

When it has cooled slightly add eggs and mix really well until all ingredients are combined and mixture is glossy.

Pour in to slice tin and bake in the oven for 25 minutes

Let cool in the tin

You can also cover this slice with chocolate ganache
Ganache Recipe:
225 grams dark chocolate
100 mls cream
In a large heat proof bowl ( I used stainless steel) put the chopped up chocolate and sit on top of a pot with simmering water.
Melt chocolate and take off stove and let sit for a minute
Then add cream and mix well with a wooden spoon until well combined and glossy.
Pour on top of slice and then sprinkle shredded coconut on top.

Cut in tin, I usually get 12 - 16 pieces depending on how big i want them to be.

You can also add things to the slice before putting it in the oven to bake. I sometimes put chopped up chocolate or dark chocolate melts ( a good handful) and scatter them over the top and press down lightly and then bake. It is a little surprise biting in to the moist cake and then coming across the chunk of chocolate.

You can also sprinkle nuts over the top-chopped almonds, hazelnuts or macadamia work well.

(© Lisa Maree van der Draay 2015. Except as provided by the Copyright Act 1968, no part of this publication may be reproduced, communicated to the public without the prior written permission of the publisher.)

Enjoy :-)


  1. Wise words and amazing looking slice

  2. Glad to have the recipe, I know from experience the slice is delicious! I'll have to give making it myself a try sometime :) x

    1. Thanks Lani darling, you will be fine as it is easy peasy to make and best of all hardly any washing up xxx
