Monday 16 February 2015

Digital Detox and sugar free apple slice

Last Saturday I decided I needed a digital detox meaning no devices( well almost all) what so ever, no computer and no mobile phone were on the list ( the television was not on the list and I won't hear it mentioned again and blah blah blah) yep I do enjoy watching an hour or two of television in the evening relaxing on the sofa with my husband so that is why that was not put on the detox list.

Well Saturday started off well for a digital detox day, it was a beautiful sunny day and it was valentines day to boot.We decided to go for a swim(hubby,daughter and myself) locally as it was lovely and sunny so that was a positive for the digital detox( me=1 detox=0).The three of us had a lovely swim and felt very relaxed and calm after our swim.We all had a lovely lunch together and my husband drove our daughter home and that was the end of my digital detox.

It was hilarious really as I thought it was valentines day so I wanted to make a delicious dinner for my husband and myself and wanted to try making my own gluten free gnocchi and just needed to know amounts of dry ingredients and if I could make potato and ricotta gnocchi as that was an idea I had been thinking of for a while.So on went the computer and the rest is history really as no sooner had I turned the computer on i got a text on my phone and i checked that as well.I lasted seven hours with no computer or mobile and it wasn't difficult until I needed to search information( thank God for Google).I have no idea what I would have done without it(my computer)and I guess I would have had to manually read all the cook books I own to get the information I required and that would have taken me hours where as a Google search takes moments(bliss).

It is so funny to think I haven't been on Facebook for fourteen months as I was spending way to much time on it and I knew I had to do something so closed my account and now that I am writing a cook book  I have my Blog, Twitter, two email accounts and a Pinterest account(it's amazing).I am not too bad really and generally only check my emails a few times a day but sometimes there is more traffic to contend with digitally and those are the days that I know I have to watch myself.I do think having a digital free day every now and then is a great idea and will definitely be doing it again soon as I did find I really relaxed.

Now just to let you all know my gluten free ricotta and potato gnocchi was really delicious and I served it with a spicy tomato,chilli, silverbeet and mushroom sauce and topped it with some grated parmesan cheese but did I take a photo no I didn't and why you ask? it's simple I forgot hahahaha and it was so yummy we gobbled it down.But I made a sugar free apple slice today and it is really yummy and I have taken a photo of that and will add it to the page for you all to have a squiz.When I say sugar free I mean no refined sugar as I only use100% maple syrup and some stevia and it tastes great and you don't have the sugar highs and lows.Will publish the recipe soon.

Well the conclusion is everything in moderation including digital devices and it really is a good idea to take time out even if it's only for an hour or two you will feel a lot more relaxed giving your mind a rest even for a little while

P.S As of the 19/03/15 I am now officially back on Facebook but at least I had a 15 month break (hiatus) :-)


  1. Whatever did we do with our time before PCs and mobiles!

    1. Hahahaha I know Carolyn I think back to even early 2000's and the fact I was never on the computer and my ancient mobile that was not able to have internet was used only for calls and some texts,amazing really. but it does make life more simple in lot's of ways :-)

  2. Beautiful post darling and yes, the gnocchi was out of this is the apple slice..yummo!

    1. Thank you darling and yep they are both yummo, will make the gnocchi again soon ( and take a photo) hahaha xx

  3. Yep moderation is the key, great post :-)

  4. The appleslice looks delicious! I'll ask Nynke to bake One as well.

  5. Hi Steven the apple slice is really yummy and easy to make. We hope you and Nynke are well :-)
