Friday 12 February 2016


Well, it is a brand new year and this is the first blog post I have managed to write. Time sure flies whether you’re having fun or not, and it seems the old saying my nana used to say is so true “the older you get, the quicker time goes.”

On the eve of another Valentine’s Day, I feel very blessed indeed. I feel blessed for many reasons in my life but having my beautiful husband in my life is a huge blessing to me. You know, when I was single I was never grumpy about Valentine’s Day like some are. I have heard people say “it’s a load of bollocks” and “everyday should be Valentine’s Day, you shouldn’t need to celebrate one day a year.” Well, that is a load of baloney because it is a privilege and honour to celebrate love, celebrate who you love and celebrate being in love.

I was always a hopeless and hopeful romantic and never begrudged anyone celebrating Valentine’s Day or any other romantic occasion, be it a wedding or anniversary. I just simply love celebrating love.

I thought of a quote the other day and I love it, it is one of my favourite quotes now and I think I will be using it for a very long time indeed.

I am brave because I have loved © Lisa Maree van der Draay 2016

Be brave and love that is what I say J

Now the perfect thing to eat for dessert on Valentines Day is chocolate in my book. There is something decadent and rich and oh so delicious about eating some beautifully rich dark chocolate. Sorry, I am not a big milk chocolate fan, but kudos to you if you are.

Today, I want to share with you a chocolate recipe I have recently thought of and I think it would be lovely to share on Valentine’s Day whomever you want to share it with. Or you could just eat the entire thing on your own hahahaha, but you may get a sore stomach hahahaha.

Chocolate dipping pots with fruit

200 grams of good quality dark chocolate. You can use milk chocolate if you prefer.
250 mls of pure cream
Assorted fruits for dipping, I like strawberries, raspberries, banana, pears. You can use any fruits you like.

Place broken up chocolate in a bowl. Place cream in a pan over medium heat and bring to just below boiling point. Pour over chocolate, then stir until smooth. Serve warm with chopped up fruits. (If necessary, reheat in a heatproof bowl set over a pan of simmering water). Store in the fridge for up to 1 week. This can also be used as a ganache for a chocolate cake as well just only use 1/3 of a cup of cream.

© Lisa Maree van der Draay 2016. Except as provided by the Copyright Act 1968, no part of this publication may be reproduced, communicated to the public without the prior written permission of the publisher.