Thursday 31 December 2015

What a year it has been-2015 in review

Well, as I write a wrap up for the year and review how it has impacted on my life I really can’t believe how quickly it has gone.

2015 was the year that I started this blog and did my first post.
It was also the year I decided to write a cookbook and I started developing recipes for this little adventure and I must say that most have been really good and I only had one or two that won’t make the list.

I made my very first Christmas pudding for Christmas day and I must say it was delicious and enjoyed by all who had a piece.

2015 was a year with a lot of sorrow in the news but we have to try to remember the good that happened as well.

For me, 2015 was a wonderful and brilliant year. It was a year which saw me facing fears, healing old wounds and letting go of a lot of toxic people, things, friends and embracing those in my life that make my heart smile and love me. And it was the year I said to God: ‘Yes I trust again-thank you.’

As I get ready to sit back and watch the fireworks with my husband and say goodbye to 2015 I am filled with happiness and anticipation for the New Year ahead. So many more blogs, so many more recipes, so many more lunches and dinners catching up with family and friends.

I feel like I am the luckiest woman in the world, married to the most wonderful man. We have the most beautiful daughter of whom we are so proud and we love her beyond words. I have friends who are worth their weight in gold. I am lucky to still have my mum in my life and never take it for granted. I still have my Aunty and also a friend who is also like an Aunt, and with my mum I feel blessed to have these three older people in my life.

I am so glad that this year ends for me with happiness and gratitude and, even though it hasn’t all been perfect, it has been wonderful…. And I wouldn’t change a thing.

                                     See you all in 2016



  1. Great post! And yes, so good to count our blessings.

    1. Thank you, glad you enjoyed it and yes always good to count our blessings.
