Friday 22 May 2015

PMDD what's it all about?

Health, there seem to be a lot of articles on health out there, especially on women's health and the list of health problems or concerns goes on and on forever. You will read about hormonal imbalances and energy levels and skin imperfections and even what's good for your gut, but there are just some disorders you never here about.

PMDD or premenstrual dysphoric disorder is the most severe type of PMS you can possibly suffer from and it affects between 2%-10% of women. It is actually debilitating to the point of it affecting a woman's career, as she will not be able to go to work or function in her everyday life. Symptoms include mood swings, depression and feelings of hopelessness, tension, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, fatigue and sleep problems. These are just a few and you can read about this more in-depth Here.

You are more likely to suffer from PMDD if there is a family history of depression and or anxiety or if you yourself suffer depression and anxiety or have suffered post-natal depression.

I suppose you’re probably saying to yourself: ‘this sounds exactly like PMS and PMT’, but I can assure you it is nothing like PMS or PMT. In fact, it is more like TNT and how could I possibly know? Because I suffer from PMDD and have done for a while – I was only diagnosed a few years ago but it has got progressively worse as I grew older.

It is very funny how hormones and the lack of in this case (progesterone) can make you feel like a completely different person. I think for me the biggest change has been dealing with the emotional side and the anxiety, which has been exacerbated tenfold.

I am particularly lucky to have a very supportive and loving husband and lovely supportive friends and family but when I am suffering I do not want to see anyone, let alone let them help me in any way. My husband is the only person I see when I am unwell and suffering and I am very grateful he stands firm and continues to love me when I feel very unlovable and downright horrible.

There are things you can do to alleviate the symptoms but there is no cure and you basically have to wait until menopause is over. There are vitamins and minerals you can take and a wonderful vitamin called Vitex, also known as Agnus Castus, and it does help quite a bit. I didn't know how much it helped until I stopped taking it, thinking I didn't need it and would be ok. Let's just say that wasn't one of my better ideas. Magnesium is another wonderful mineral that will help as it relaxes the body and is also beneficial for the heart.
You can find out about other supplements and natural help Here.

Getting enough sleep, meditating, eating correctly and taking vitamins and minerals and exercising will all help. I am not the best at getting enough exercise and also tend to go to bed too late sometimes because I can't put my book down or am busy on my computer. But I try to get all the other elements in balance and if all else fails, I pray and sometimes that is all I can do on a bad day and that's o.k.

Getting support is important as well and may be in the form of contacting your family doctor and or a naturopath as they can work well together. Just make sure you advise your family doctor of any vitamins and minerals you start taking so they can note it down. Support from family and friends is also vital but if you can not get that support I do encourage talking to a counsellor or therapist as it is always helpful to be able to talk about what is going on in your body and what you’re feeling. 

I hope this has helped any women out there who may suffer from PMDD as it is a subject that is not talked about and I feel it needs to be. I also hope it may help any husbands, partners, daughters, sons or anyone who may have someone in there life suffering from this condition.

Remember to be kind to yourself and take some time out when things get difficult. There is help out there, we just have to ask for it.

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Family, celebrations and Almond, lemon and coconut cake with Apricots and vanilla syrup

This last month or so has been so busy it has flown. It seems April was filled with celebration after celebration and now May is the same, but that's good busy and there is nothing I love more that celebrating with the ones I love and care for. Birthday after birthday and Easter and Mother's day was thrown in there as well.

First it was Easter and then my birthday being celebrated in April and, because I couldn't catch up with everyone at the same time, the celebrations went on for about three weeks, which was pretty O.K in my book. Then we celebrated my Mum's 75th birthday and Mother's day, both of them on Mother's day which was pretty special for my mum. It was lovely to cook a yummy lunch for everyone and help celebrate.

The next birthday coming up is my husband's and it's a big one as it's his 50th birthday so we thought a party was in order and so I've been organising all the things that go in to making a party special.

I adore celebrating with the people I love and care about and can't wait to celebrate with my husband and all our family and friends. In fact, it will be a very special night as his mum, brother and two sisters are flying over from Holland so he will be getting the best present ever.

One of the things I really enjoyed making recently was my mum's birthday cake which was an   Almond, lemon and coconut cake with Apricots and vanilla syrup and it was divine. I have added a photo of it with this post and look forward to sharing the recipe in the near future.

Well, if any of you out there are celebrating anything special, whether it be big or small I hope you all have a wonderful time and enjoy every single moment.

Friday 8 May 2015

Mum's the word

When I was a little girl I dreamt of many things, e.g being a nurse and being a singer and also being a mum. I wanted to have six children, not two or three but six and I am not sure why but it had to be six. Well, God blessed me with one gorgeous, amazing daughter and I tell you what: I feel pretty blessed indeed. My baby is no baby anymore as she is twenty-six years old, but she will always be my baby.

I remember the day I found out I was pregnant. I went to a medical centre not far from home and the doctor sat opposite me, looking very stern and serious and said:"You are pregnant." Not a smile in sight. I couldn't believe it, I was so overjoyed and excited that I screamed out:"Really? Wow that is great!" and had the biggest smile on my face. The doctor then relaxed and, for a moment he smiled and shared in my joy.

This baby was wanted, this baby was planned and this baby was incredibly loved by both her parents and it was one of the happiest days of my life finding out I was going to be blessed with a child. I think the doctor who gave me the wonderful news of my pregnancy was baffled at my joy because I was not married and I think he assumed I might be sad about the pregnancy and was taken aback at my joy and happiness.

I wasn't very conventional and didn't come from a conventional home and it didn't seem an odd thing to not be married. I think the most important thing for me at the time was to make sure this beautiful child was loved and safe and cared for and... she was.

Watching my daughter grow from a tiny baby into a beautiful young woman has been an absolute privilege and I have never taken motherhood for granted. It is a blessing I thank God for her everyday and will do all the days of my life.

This Sunday is mother's day and I am so thankful I get to celebrate it, not only with my daughter but also with my mum. I look forward to cooking a delicious lunch and spending time with my family and thanking God for what I have.

You know, life isn't perfect and sometimes relationships and families are not perfect but I am thankful for what I have and even though there are moments of stress and anger and even sadness, you have to think that is life and you have to make the best of what you have.

My relationship with my mum is far from perfect but I love her to bits and I am glad she is still with us all.

I hope everyone has a lovely mother's day, whether you're a mum, have a mum or know a mum. I hope you make it a special day and enjoy.