Friday 8 May 2015

Mum's the word

When I was a little girl I dreamt of many things, e.g being a nurse and being a singer and also being a mum. I wanted to have six children, not two or three but six and I am not sure why but it had to be six. Well, God blessed me with one gorgeous, amazing daughter and I tell you what: I feel pretty blessed indeed. My baby is no baby anymore as she is twenty-six years old, but she will always be my baby.

I remember the day I found out I was pregnant. I went to a medical centre not far from home and the doctor sat opposite me, looking very stern and serious and said:"You are pregnant." Not a smile in sight. I couldn't believe it, I was so overjoyed and excited that I screamed out:"Really? Wow that is great!" and had the biggest smile on my face. The doctor then relaxed and, for a moment he smiled and shared in my joy.

This baby was wanted, this baby was planned and this baby was incredibly loved by both her parents and it was one of the happiest days of my life finding out I was going to be blessed with a child. I think the doctor who gave me the wonderful news of my pregnancy was baffled at my joy because I was not married and I think he assumed I might be sad about the pregnancy and was taken aback at my joy and happiness.

I wasn't very conventional and didn't come from a conventional home and it didn't seem an odd thing to not be married. I think the most important thing for me at the time was to make sure this beautiful child was loved and safe and cared for and... she was.

Watching my daughter grow from a tiny baby into a beautiful young woman has been an absolute privilege and I have never taken motherhood for granted. It is a blessing I thank God for her everyday and will do all the days of my life.

This Sunday is mother's day and I am so thankful I get to celebrate it, not only with my daughter but also with my mum. I look forward to cooking a delicious lunch and spending time with my family and thanking God for what I have.

You know, life isn't perfect and sometimes relationships and families are not perfect but I am thankful for what I have and even though there are moments of stress and anger and even sadness, you have to think that is life and you have to make the best of what you have.

My relationship with my mum is far from perfect but I love her to bits and I am glad she is still with us all.

I hope everyone has a lovely mother's day, whether you're a mum, have a mum or know a mum. I hope you make it a special day and enjoy.


  1. Wonderfully written tribute to the joys of motherhood. Loved it!

    1. Thank you I am glad you enjoyed my post and yes I feel very blessed being a mum.

  2. Wonderful post (and not just because I'm in it lol). Love you lots mum, so glad I can spend Mother's Day with you xx

    1. Thank you darling, I love you lots and lots and I am glad we can spend mothers day together as well xxx
