Friday 30 January 2015

Family, love, exhaustion and roast pumpkin soup

This week has been such a full week, a week of many good things and also new things but a good week. It is the week I created two new recipes for my cook book I am writting. It is also the week I started my volunteer work which I love, there is something about doing something for someone and not expecting anything in return that is so nice      (warm fuzzy feeling inside). It is the week where a friendship was rekindled and who knows may be strengthened again in time. It is also the week I started this blog to diarize my journey in life and also to share my passion for cooking and some recipes along the way.

I think the fact that this week had so many firsts and also things that were big emotionally that last night exhaustion set in and by nine o'clock I was bushed. It was lovely to spend time with my husband and my daughter who came to have dinner and stay over and see us and I think by the look of us all after dinner the lounge and a DVD looked pretty good at that point.

Spending time with my family is so precious to me and I am grateful for all that I have and never take it for granted. I was able to cook us all a beautiful dinner ( stuffed mushrooms ) and also made the most amazing roast pumkin soup which we enjoyed a bit of today. I feel very blessed at the moment being able to let loose on my creativity with my cooking and having a loving and supportive family spurring me on is the icing on the cake ( gluten free of course hahaha).

Wednesday 28 January 2015

Pain, forgiveness and Citrus Berry slice


Relationships are hard work in whatever shape or form they may be but at the end of the day if the person means a lot to us then they are worth it. Today I had the privilege of catching up with a very old friend, one I hadn't seen for some time. It was great to talk and clear the air and understand each other and know that we both still cared about each other very much. That's the beauty of good friends, at the end of the day they can move past the pain but it is important that whatever pain there was or is still there, it is not minimised in any way.

Which brings me to forgiveness, what a word that is. It seems to hold so much power but in actual fact it is us that hold the power to forgive someone or ourselves and let go of the pain. I am just learning about this now (and not a moment too soon I can tell you). Carrying around anger and pain does terrible things to one's body and it's not pretty, so I am glad I can put that to rest now and feel at peace.

Catching up with a friend is lovely but catching up with a friend and sharing delicious home made citrus berry slice is much better... in fact it is wonderful (and a little bit naughty).

Love, Food and Life - a Healthy Journey

Nature, so beautiful ( photo of a flower I took while out on a walk)
Well this is my first blog and I am sooooo excited. My vision is slowly coming true of learning more about my own health, cooking healthy delicious food and letting go of crap in whatever name, shape or form it may be. 

It is a trip I should have bought a ticket for a long long time ago but I have a ticket now, so the journey begins. Fasten your seat belt and enjoy the ride, I hope you get as much out of my thoughts as I do sharing them and I also look forward to sharing some of my favourite recipes as cooking is a passion. 

There will be the occassional old fashioned favourite that I will simply add because, lets face it, sometimes you just can't improve on perfection. Also love is a major part of my journey (my husband, child, family and friends) and my love of God who has made this all possible.